Presidents message delivered on the 25th anniversary Gala Dinner:

On this, the 25th Anniversary of PAJACAM, Inc., it is with heartfelt gratitude I salute and thank all former and current members for their selfless acts of kindness. As a founding member, it is my privilege to thank our other founding members, Carmelita Smith and Merle Clarke, for being visionaries in selecting the Sickle Cell Trust of Mona, Jamaica, under the leadership of world renown Dr. Graham Sargent, and the Bella Vista Girls Home in Las Cumbres, Panamá, as PAJACAM’s original grant recipients abroad. In addition, because of the support of our  sponsors and  contributions from you, our dedicated guests, the successes of the past 25 years would not have been attained nor this milestone achieved. Today the PAJACAM, Inc. grants focuses on two sites in Colon: Templo Calvario, originally headed by the late Pastor Ricardo Alleyne, and Pequeňa Maria which provides housing and care to patients afflicted with HIV-AIDS.

We also continue to support our college-bound young people’s dreams by providing scholarships to those enrolled in full-time study at a fully accredited  institution. Special thanks to our independent scholarship panel members for their invaluable service to our organization. We remember, with fondness, the late: Prof. Beatrice Brathwaite, Dr. Carlos Russell, Dr. George Priestley and Prof. Alfred Rowe Tutu and thank our current members: Silvia Lavals, Gladcia Ford and Veronica Russell-Thorpe. PAJACAM, Inc. partners with many organizations and charities to provide toys for children at Christmastime, both in the United States and Panama, and food baskets to those in need at Thanksgiving. I invite you to visit our website to keep abreast of our ongoing activities, remembering that it is your charge we are fulfilling – your financial support undergirds the work we do. Without you, our goals could not be realized.

As we approach Mother’s Day, on behalf of PAJACAM, Inc., I take this opportunity to salute all mothers, and all who mother, and thank each of you for your continued support, which sustains us. I ask that you keep us in your prayers as we move forward to our next milestone.

Selwyn D. King

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