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To make an offline donation toward this cause, follow these steps:

  1. Write a check payable to "PAJACAM, Inc"
  2. On the memo line of the check, indicate that the donation is for "PAJACAM, Inc"
  3. Mail your check to:

    PAJACAM, Inc
    224-21 Merrick Boulevard
PMB 1090Laurelton, New York 11413-2024

Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!

Donation Total: $250.00

Albergue de Maria

Albergue de Maria provides basic services to terminally ill patients and in recovery, which is to provide a bed, human and spiritual support, which requires painful state understanding, attention and warmth.

Projects – Proyectos
Albergue de Maria
Casa de los Ninos
Escuela Oratorio de San Jose

Donations – Donaciones
Contributions to this outreach work can be done directly through our account at
Banco General:
Pequena Familia de Maria No. 04-27-01-144471-5.

Si desea contribuir con esta obra puede hacerlo directamente a traves de nuestra cuenta en el
Banco General:
Pequena Familia de Maria No. 04-27-01-144471-5.

Our you can contact us through our mailing address:
Albergue de Maria,
Apartado 0301-00329,
Colon, Rep. de Panama.

Tambien puede contactarnos en la siguiente direccion postal:
Albergue de Maria,
Apartado 0301-00329,
Colon, Rep. de Panama.

Panama’s First Lady visits the Albergue de Maria Panama’s First Lady visits the Albergue de Maria

Prevention course for youths

Providing free dental services to the community

Providing free dental sevices to the community

Prevention course for youths

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