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    PAJACAM, Inc
    224-21 Merrick Boulevard
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Donation Total: $250.00

The Sickle Cell Trust

The Sickle Cell Trust Council undertakes the management of patients with sickle cell disease on the island of Jamaica through clinics at the University Hospital, Black River Hospital and Cornwall Regional Hospital in Montego Bay, Jamaica. Patients receive diagnostic and consulting services, and most treatments free of charge.

Newborn Screening Program
The Jamaican Government’s Newborn Screening Program for sickel cell disease is conducted by the Jamaican Trust’s staff, under subcontract to the government in a laboratory in the New Education Center for Sickle Cell Disease.
The annual cost of the Trust, which is partially funded by international and local government agencies, are approximately $24 million. The remainder of the funding comes from local corporations and individuals.
Dr. Graham Sergeant is Chairman of the board for the Jamaican Trust in the West Indies.

Patients receive diagnostic and consulting services, and most treatments free of charge.

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